HD2402 – Multisensor Photo-Radiometer
HD2402 is a portable photo-radiometer data logger for the measurement of noncoherent optical radiation in accordance with European Directive 2006/25/EC and the Legislative Decree No 81, April 9, 2008.
The instrument consists of a series of sensors to cover different portions of the spectrum and a small laser which is used to indicate the analyzed source.
Photometric sensor for measuring the illuminance (lux meter) in the spectralrange 380÷780 nm
Radiometric sensor for the UV band (220÷400 nm) with spectral weighing factor S(λ)
Radiometric sensor for UVA band (315÷400 nm)
Radiometric sensor for the band 400÷700 nm (blue) with spectral weighing factor B (λ)
Radiometric sensor for the IR band (700÷1300 nm) with spectral weighing factor R(λ)
Thermopile sensor for the measurement of irradiance in the infrared spectral range 400÷2800 nm
The HD2402 can be powered either by connecting it to a PC, receiving power directly from the USB port of your PC, or via an external power supply with USB output (code SWD05). The CP24 connection cable is fitted with a M12 connector on the instrument side and an USB type A connector on the PC side or to the power supply.
Using the software DeltaLog13 and a PC, the HD2402 can be configured (calendar, date, time, start and duration of logging), and you can download and analyze the stored data or acquire the real-time data. Once configured, the data logger can be disconnected from the PC and connected to its power supply for capturing and storing data according to the programmed settings.