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ESF-306 Sphere 6 "globe thermometer

ESF-306 is a 6 inches hollow sphere made of copper. The sphere is used in conjunction with Protemp-4 heat stress monitor. The manufacture of the sphere is in accordance with NHO-06 occupational hygiene standard. ESF-306 is also compatible with the following instruments: TGD-200, TGD-300, TGD-400, Protemp and Protemp-3.
ISO 7243 Ergonomics of the thermal environment — Assessment of heat stress using the WBGT (wet bulb globe temperature) index
*The model of the instrument that will be used must be informed during the purchase.
Technical Information
Color: Matte black
Emissivity: 0,95
Thickness: 1 mm
Diameter: 6 inches (152,4 mm)
Height: 177,2 mm
Weight: 417 g
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